Volunteering love
Downtown Exploration
Magic Castle Escape room
Socializing at Hammer Museum
Hammer Museum
Job Center
First Day as an Usher
First Day as an Usher
First day was a Success
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
DCRC Thanksgiving
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
California Department of Developmental Services
Street Address
1600 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 944202
Sacramento, California 94244-2020
General Information
For general inquiries,
call (916) 654-1690 or TTY: 711
About us
The idea of Breaking Barriers came to exist in late 2013 between two friends, Ben Sarcadi and Melissa Spicuzza. When discussing the direction they saw their lives going, the idea of Breaking Barriers bloomed. With Ben’s tenacity and Melissa’s passion and long-term experience in the field, they turned Breaking Barriers into a reality.
Breaking Barriers is a 501 (c) (3)
nonprofit corporation.