We have opportunities in multiple fields such as office administration, event planning, construction, peer mentoring, tv and film production, social work, food service industry, landscaping, gardening, janitorial work, social media/website design, ushering work, warehouse work, hotel maid, and many more.
These are part time and full time positions hired directly by the employer. Meaning, a company is hiring them directly or going through a Paid Internship Program….then being hired. Some of these positions come with full medical/dental plans, as well as start at $15-$20 an hour. Another benefit of our program is that we help the person find employment in the field of their choosing. We will never force someone to take a job they do not want. We are very person centered in all aspects of the program. People first.
No enclave, no dangling carrot of a promise of a job, no vendor paying them to work etc…